Our Mission
The mission of Pegasus Springs Education Collective is to help reimagine education in ways that engage all students more equitably in their own learning and align with changing expectations for their future success in the 21st century. By connecting educators, students, school communities, and organizations—and by supporting opportunities for collaboration and learning, our goal is to support exploration that positively impacts our schools, our communities, and our nation.
“Pegasus Springs”
The Pegasus of mythology is a provider of assistance. By offering lift or an additional source of strength, Pegasus helps others to take flight and fulfill their mission. And according to legend, “everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring water spring burst forth,” symbolizing for us a renewing place from which to restore and draw inspiration. The goal of Pegasus Springs is to be such a helper – and like the springs of legend, to provide the strength and support for others to make a transformational difference in the world.